Balance What Matters and Let Go of the Rest

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bubble Bath

When we had our first child we had one little bundle to pour all of our time and energy into. Then with the second that time, naturally, was split between the two. Now with five, there just isn't enough time to do some of the things that were once habitual. On top of that, the interests of the older girls have changed from baby and toddler games to more grown-up activities.

So, Allison was out for the evening and I needed to get all the kids bathed. And it hit me that I had never given Brooklyn a bubble bath. As I drew the bath and started dumping in the soap, she was confused. Then, as the bubbles started forming almost instantly, her face lit up. She wasn't so sure what was going on but she was thrilled. When I told her to get in… more confusion and more excitement.

I'm recommitting myself to the things that bring joy to each of them. Today, we paint fingers and toes. 
Not every night or even every week, but, bubble baths are going to become habitual in our house again.

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