Balance What Matters and Let Go of the Rest

Monday, March 19, 2012

Why Five?

Her:  Out anywhere with five little ducklings in tow, comments are inevitable. We've heard them all . . . from you are so blessed to I'm sorry . . . the comments are endless. Oh yes, and my favorite, "Are you done having kids, yet?" This comment coming from friends and family is understandable, but, from a complete stranger at a grocery store and laced with judgment, a bit awkward to say the least. I never really have anything clever to say. The truth is we would consider it. We are tired (perpetually) and it's hard (constantly) but we love it. Maybe we will birth more, or adopt, or foster but the fact is we would love to have children in the Tucker house for a long time. Sometimes I get all smiley when I think of no more diapers, or sleeping through the night, or even a moment to myself. But, I know this is our mission and I wouldn't have it any other way. They are precious, amazing gifts. Each one different, complex and intriguing. Their joy is my joy, their sadness is my sadness, their love is priceless.

The other day I was trying to do a good mommy thing by making everyone hot chocolate. First the three year old spilled ALL over the carpet; then, the one year old followed suit by pulling someone else's cup over her head (not hot, by the way, just messy). I silently cleaned up the mess while trying not to let my irritation show and then it happened. I was putting a new outfit on the littlest one and she lifted her chubby leg to help me for the first time. Ah, adorable. My frustration melted away and joy returned. We have given up so much to have this many children- money, time, and here and there our sanity, but, it is nothing compared to what we've gained.

Side note: When most people talk about their kids they refer to them by name but with 5 it gets a little tricky. Without fail, mid-story, we get interrupted with the question, "now which one is that?" So Troy started numbering them by birth order and only referring to them by name to our close friends. We will carry on the tradition in our blog. Here is a quick summary of each of them before labeling begins:

Our Oldest - Raegan, age 9: Feisty and sensitive all wrapped into one, thoughtful and imaginative, if you want someone to listen and care she's your girl

Our 2nd - Kamryn, age 7: High energy, direct and confident, captivating and capable, if you want someone to get things done she's your girl


Our 3rd - Ashlyn, age 6: Silly and smart as a whip, cheerful, unpredictable - always surprising us, if you want to giggle she's your girl

Our 4th - Brooklyn, age 3: Complete trouble with a smile that gets her out of trouble, one spunky firecracker, if you want a buddy she's your girl

Our Youngest - Maryn, age 1: Mellow, calm and happy, daring but content, if you want to snuggle she's your girl


  1. "Each one different, complex and intriguing. Their joy is my joy, their sadness is my sadness, their love is priceless." I was so touched by this phrase;
    what a lovely description. Thanks for sharing a
    glimpse of your day and your heart:-)

  2. Oh I love this blog!! I love how you captivated each of your beautiful little blessings. I love reading your heart and I hear your voice with that littleaccent i n some of your words! LOL
