Balance What Matters and Let Go of the Rest

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hypocrite or Human

Her: Looking at our life in our adorable 5 little monkeys photos we may appear put together. Troy is notorious for cuddling me and the kids so at times we look like the syrupy, cuddling family with five adorable girls who obey perfectly. But this is not reality.

Troy and I are no strangers to conflict, with each other, the kids, family, friends, you name it. At times (or most of the time depending on the month) we feel lost and hopeless. We are not "good people". We struggle in our marriage and our kids do really naughty things like cut the babysitter's hair when she's not looking (the 4th kiddo in case you were curious). Worse than that we continue to sin, sometimes perpetually, and definitely often. Our sin grates on the nerves of those closest to us and sometimes those who have distanced themselves as well. We are humbled by our sinfulness daily but desire to look more like Christ. The good news is: We have an amazing God. A God who upholds us, sanctifies us, and loves us unconditionally. That is the God we are trying to serve. Thanks to His grace some days are good but most days are wrought with thoughts of "me" and "mine" and "I want" and "I have to have" and that's just Troy and I, not the kids!

In our continuous struggle toward godliness, God has given us tools which have sustained us, tools that we would be fruitless without. We desire to pass along those tools to anyone who will listen; because without them, we don't know where we would be . . . not anywhere good that's for sure! Troy and I are still on a path of growth (sometimes one step forward and two steps back). We haven't peaked, NOT EVEN CLOSE. We are excited for the journey God has us on. We are excited about learning more about Him. As we learn more we will share more.

We know that the wake of our sinfulness has splashed in the direction of those around us, some have been sprinkled and some have been drenched. To all of you, we're sorry. Please be patient with us as we navigate our way. Please walk with us as we grow together.

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