Balance What Matters and Let Go of the Rest

Monday, June 25, 2012

Having a Grrrrrrrr Moment

Her: Tonight my lovely, amazing, patient husband drove our four oldest children to a movie playing at the local park.  He very sweetly allowed me to keep the baby home so I didn't have to freeze to death while entertaining a 1 1/2 year old and watching a movie for the second time that I hated the first time. Yay me!  

Best of all my little munchkin and I were about to have alone time, yippy!  She was not so thrilled to see all her big sisters drive away in the car but I quickly bribed her with a malt ball and her fussing ceased. We ventured out to lock up the chickens when she said “chicken” for the first time.  Adorable.

Now for book time.  So I am not good at reading to my kids.  Ok terrible.  Homeschooling has helped a little but pretty much if you want a book read around the Tucker house you’re gonna have to read it to yourself.  I hate that I don’t do it.  It makes me feel like a mommy failure.  So tonight was a night to read to my munchkin.  I was so excited.  I was going to erase my mommy failures and start fresh.  One on one, looking at every picture, reading the story over and over, here we go!

I got the first book out, put the baby on my lap, and then it happened.  She began to violently rip the book from my hand screaming as I resisted.  She pulled with superhuman strength, too.  Like it was the last morsel of food on the entire planet and she was starving to death.  “Well this is not going as well as expected”, I thought.  I gave her the book and encouraged her to open it herself.  She slammed it shut screaming “No”. Well actually, “MMmmmoooooo”.  She doesn’t quite have her “n” sound down yet.  I set the book aside trying to reason with her.  As I gave my “be kind to mommy” speech her screams grew louder and louder. She began trashing her body around which culminated into the most explosive kiddy headbutt I’ve ever received.  Awesome.

And just like that book time was over.  I took my screaming, writhing child to her crib and put her to bed.  No mommy failure recovery today.  Me and my swollen forehead are going to bed.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Her: With a new blog and business, I have been overwhelmed with “putting myself out there”.  For my business I have gone into peoples’ most personal spaces in their homes to organize.  I have helped with DIY projects, sewing projects, garage sales, parties and I just never know how my assistance is being received.  I’ve been complimented and they have called me back for more work which are great signs but it is all a little nerve racking to say the least.  The blog just adds an even bigger wave of fear.  Here I am putting my thoughts and feelings out there for the world to judge.  All the nervousness will build up in a moment of panic and then God reminds me, “I called you to this”.  I don’t know where this blog will lead, if anywhere, I don’t know how my business will grow, if at all.  All I can trust is that I am on this journey with God.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7

As God calls us to new, amazing and sometimes nerve racking things we have to remember WHO has called us.  I can look back on other big moments in my life.  Moving (7 times in the 12 years of being married), having each baby, homeschooling.  God has been there. He has seen me through.  He has moved in ways I could have never imagined and the place I am at now was well worth the struggle. We need to find our strength in Him even when we cannot see the path ahead.

            “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
1 Corinthians 16:13

Worry tries to sneak in and destroy what He has called us to do.  If we give in to that worry we will be miserable and ineffective for Him.  I love these next two scriptures.  They are from the same conversation from two different books of the Bible.  Two perspectives on the same


Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Matthew 6:34 (For more on this read 6:24-34)

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”
Luke 12:25-26

I love how Jesus calls adding a single hour to your life a very little thing.


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

God is walking with us.  He is in control.  Have courage to walk the path you are called. Thank you all for journeying with me.  I can’t wait to see what God has in store for each of us!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday . . . it's here again.

Her: Another Monday begins . . . whiny baby, demanding three year old and no milk for cereal.  Not even a tiny little drop for my coffee.  Laundry is piling up even though I tackled it all weekend and I’ve got a major camping trip to pack and grocery shop for. Even as I type this sentence I have a baby wanting up on the bed, a 7 year old waiting to tattle on her sister and a 6 year old that I’m not quite sure what she wants yet. . . 

Ok, I’m back. Many times I walk my house in the morning and repeat the words, “don’t panic” over and over again in my head.  Sometimes I hide in my room for an extra 30 minutes in the morning hoping everything will be done before I get out there (Yeah, right!)  Other days I come out like a whirlwind demanding that everyone obey and clean, NOW! Neither of which are really successful for anyone.  

As mommies our responsibilities are endless, our days are short, and the little people that we are doing the work for are not exactly cooperative.  More like tornadoes to say the least. And yet the days come over and over whether we like it or not. And the more we procrastinate the more it piles but tackling the monotony of responsibility is sometimes just as bad as ignoring it. 

But, guess what? Yet again, there is hope in the truth of the word.  Yesterday we heard an amazing sermon at church on God’s gifts to us in Romans 5:1-11 one of which is joy.  Joy only found in the Lord. I felt like God was encouraging me to walk with Him – trusting Him with my life, to walk in Him –trusting His holy spirit to guide me, and to walk for Him – for His glory.

Through that vantage point laundry, cleaning, or getting anything done really is secondary to our true purpose which is God and our relationship with Him.  I will leave you with the following scripture to encourage you as you start your week:

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Colossians 3:17

Friday, June 8, 2012

Workout Update!

After a week of dieting and exercise I thought I would let you know my progress!  The week started off strong losing weight and feeling great!  By the forth day I already lost the 2 pounds for the week and I figured this losing weight thing was gonna be a breeze. The second half of the week I went to two amazing classes at the gym.  They were intense and I was able to keep up better than I thought.  But, now I've been starving!  So I've been consuming a lot more calories than I originally intended and gained back a pound.

I really enjoy the workout classes and I also enjoy eating a bit more so I'm changing my strategy for next week a bit.  I am going to keep eating healthy but increase my calorie intake and I'm going to add one more workout day.  I think I will just go for a run for about 30 minutes and see how that works out.

Let me know how your progress is going!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our Babies Graduated!

Her: Troy and I have heard the phrase “Enjoy your kids, they grow up so fast!” so many times. With a toddler chucking toys at your head and poopy diapers galore fast was the last thing on our minds.  Actually, slow and painful comes to mind! Last night was “promotion night” for our homeschool group where the kids are promoted to the next grade. We are now proud owners of a 5th grader, 3rd grader and 2nd grader.  WOW! As Troy and I went to bed we reflected on our time with them thus far.  It truly does feel like a blink of an eye.  That’s why I am so excited to being doing this blog!  I am terrible at taking pictures and documenting important events in our lives along the way. So here is a glimpse into the Tucker world captured by a few photos:

Our Graduates!

(We were on clean up duty at the event so the big ball is a ball of tape!)
So grown up!

Pretty soon we will have a kid tall enough to take pictures of us so we don't have to do them ourselves :)

 Another day that may have passed by quickly forgotten is remembered forever. Oh, and Troy played an epic game of tape ball freeze tag with the girls after photo time!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Allison's Training Schedule

Her: Ok, I am jumping on the workout bandwagon with hubby.  Now that the baby is a year and a half no more excuses.  She is not nursing and she is sleeping through the night so I should be rested up and ready to go.  Since having the baby I ran a half marathon and a 5k mud run but I still have 10 stubborn pounds I really want to say goodbye to.  I’ve got some clothes I would love to fit into and I need to hurry up and lose the weight before they go out of style!
Here is my game plan.  Troy is doing the Tough Mudder July 7th so I will use that as my deadline which gives me a little more than five weeks. I will have to diet and exercise if I hope to see results because that’s 2 pounds a week, yikes!


Ok, for food I am going to avoid processed stuff like fast food and pre-made foods.  This will help me to make sure that only healthy things are going into my food.  If I have dessert it will be something like a handful of chocolate chips, a small cookie, or yogurt with fruit and honey. I’m going to avoid alcohol (not that I drink much anyway), soda and fruit juice. I’ll limit the amount of high calorie stuff like chips, sour cream, extra cheese (notice I said extra), etc.  And I will be vegetable juicing. My goal for juicing is just to get some vitamin packed goodness. I will not be using it as a meal replacement.

       Meal ideas:
            Breakfast –
                        Scrambled eggs with ham and an apple
                        Scrambled eggs over sauted veggies or
                        Nuts and a piece of fruit
And always a huge cup of water and a cup of coffee with cream and sugar! (Ok, that will be my dessert!)          
            Lunch –
                        Salad with chicken
                        Chicken taco and a side of fruit
                        Veggie patty and salad
                        And always a huge cup of water!
            Dinner –
                        Burrito bowl
                        Whatever everyone else is having minus the rice, bread, etc.
                        And always a huge cup of water!
            Snacks –
                        Veggie juice
                        Ham wrapped asparagus
                        Cottage cheese
                        Does a second cup of coffee count as a snack?  If so, I see that happening on 


Troy and I just joined a gym which we are totally excited about!  So this makes working out so much easier! I love taking classes so I can just show up, workout and not have to think!
                        3x a week
So far I’ve tried a Muscle Conditioning and a Boxing/Kick Boxing class but I can’t wait to do more.
They are all one hour classes so I have to cheat a lot just to finish but my goal is to do the three classes fully by the end of this!

Hiking: I also hike with a friend/kids some weeks for 2 miles or so and with hubby/kids sometimes.
Walking: Troy and I will walk with the kids around the neighborhood as a recovery workout.
Running: By week three I will add in one day of running for at least 3 miles.
Swimming: Just gonna goof around with the kids.  Nothing too serious.

Ok, that’s the plan.  I will give an update each week to let you know how its going and maybe a few recipes. Anyone in? If so, let me know!  I would love to have some accountability and encouragement!