Her: Tonight my
lovely, amazing, patient husband drove our four oldest children to a movie
playing at the local park. He very
sweetly allowed me to keep the baby home so I didn't have to freeze to death
while entertaining a 1 1/2 year old and watching a movie for the second time
that I hated the first time. Yay me!
Best of all my
little munchkin and I were about to have alone time, yippy! She was not so thrilled to see all her big
sisters drive away in the car but I quickly bribed her with a malt ball and her
fussing ceased. We ventured out to lock up the chickens when she said
“chicken” for the first time. Adorable.
Now for book
time. So I am not good at reading to my
kids. Ok terrible. Homeschooling has helped a little but pretty
much if you want a book read around the Tucker house you’re gonna
have to read it to yourself. I hate that
I don’t do it. It makes me feel like a
mommy failure. So tonight was a night to
read to my munchkin. I was so excited. I was going to erase my mommy failures and
start fresh. One on one, looking at
every picture, reading the story over and over, here we go!
I got the first
book out, put the baby on my lap, and then it happened. She began to violently rip the book from my
hand screaming as I resisted. She pulled
with superhuman strength, too. Like it
was the last morsel of food on the entire planet and she was starving to
death. “Well this is not going as well
as expected”, I thought. I gave her the
book and encouraged her to open it herself.
She slammed it shut screaming “No”. Well actually, “MMmmmoooooo”. She doesn’t quite have her “n” sound down
yet. I set the book aside trying to
reason with her. As I gave my “be kind
to mommy” speech her screams grew louder and louder. She began trashing her
body around which culminated into the most explosive kiddy headbutt I’ve ever
received. Awesome.
And just like that
book time was over. I took my screaming,
writhing child to her crib and put her to bed.
No mommy failure recovery today.
Me and my swollen forehead are going to bed.
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