Balance What Matters and Let Go of the Rest

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday . . . it's here again.

Her: Another Monday begins . . . whiny baby, demanding three year old and no milk for cereal.  Not even a tiny little drop for my coffee.  Laundry is piling up even though I tackled it all weekend and I’ve got a major camping trip to pack and grocery shop for. Even as I type this sentence I have a baby wanting up on the bed, a 7 year old waiting to tattle on her sister and a 6 year old that I’m not quite sure what she wants yet. . . 

Ok, I’m back. Many times I walk my house in the morning and repeat the words, “don’t panic” over and over again in my head.  Sometimes I hide in my room for an extra 30 minutes in the morning hoping everything will be done before I get out there (Yeah, right!)  Other days I come out like a whirlwind demanding that everyone obey and clean, NOW! Neither of which are really successful for anyone.  

As mommies our responsibilities are endless, our days are short, and the little people that we are doing the work for are not exactly cooperative.  More like tornadoes to say the least. And yet the days come over and over whether we like it or not. And the more we procrastinate the more it piles but tackling the monotony of responsibility is sometimes just as bad as ignoring it. 

But, guess what? Yet again, there is hope in the truth of the word.  Yesterday we heard an amazing sermon at church on God’s gifts to us in Romans 5:1-11 one of which is joy.  Joy only found in the Lord. I felt like God was encouraging me to walk with Him – trusting Him with my life, to walk in Him –trusting His holy spirit to guide me, and to walk for Him – for His glory.

Through that vantage point laundry, cleaning, or getting anything done really is secondary to our true purpose which is God and our relationship with Him.  I will leave you with the following scripture to encourage you as you start your week:

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Colossians 3:17

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