Balance What Matters and Let Go of the Rest

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Banter: Eating Like Clockwork

Her:  I love time. It makes me happy – very happy.  I am a planner and the clock is an essential tool for the perfect plan! Why go to sleep?  Because it’s time!  Why wake up?  Because it’s time!  Troy is more into going with the flow.  Eat when you’re hungry, sleep when you’re tired - All that crazy stuff.  Here is a typical weekend encounter between Troy and I regarding plans to eat: 

Her:  Its 12:00, time to make lunch. 

Him: Didn’t we just eat breakfast at 10:30? I won’t be hungry for awhile.

Her:  Um ok . . . but it’s noon and since we eat lunch at 12:30 I better get started.  Plus, if we don’t eat now it will mess up dinner.

Him: And . . .

Her:  Well you see, the kids’ bedtime is 8:30 and they need about 30 minutes to get ready for bed so that’s 8:00. If we want an hour of family time then that’s 7:00. Clean up from dinner takes 30 minutes so that’s 6:30 and dinner takes about 30 minutes to eat so it should be served at 6:00.  You can clearly see why lunch must be served on schedule.

Him: It sounds like you overslept…

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